Two Tips to Help You Select the Right Eyeglasses for Your Face

Beauty & Fashion Blog

Eyeglasses are more than just a means to help you see better: they can be an incredible fashion statement as well. If you choose the right frames, you might be amazed at how much they enhance your appearance. However, if you need to get glasses, you may not know where to start in selecting the frames that will look best on you. Use this information to learn about two tips that can assist you in choosing eyeglasses that will look wonderful on your face.

17 August 2016

Earning Big Tips In Cosmetology School

Beauty & Fashion Blog

Attending cosmetology school is the first step toward building a career in the salon industry. While attending cosmetology school, you will have the opportunity to gain practical experience by performing services on real clients. Many schools allow their students to keep any tips that they earn while working with live customers, so finding ways to earn big tips while you are still in school can be a great way to supplement your income.

23 June 2016

Four Reasons Teens Should Have Regular Checkups With The Dermatologist

Beauty & Fashion Blog

It can be hard to get your teenager to all of the appointments and checkups that they need, but something that shouldn't be skipped are regular visits to the dermatologist. Dermatologists offer so much more than just cosmetic assistance these days and can help keep your child both confident and healthy. Here are four very real medical reasons your teen should start seeing a dermatologist on a regular basis. 1. Early Cancer Screening

1 March 2016